Short and Not So Sweet

I have known for a long time that the American electorate is filled with idiots. That idea was confirmed for me this week by the embracement of Cackling Kamela Harris by the prospective voters. Many.
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I am posting this at the request of a shipmate who is concerned about the United States becoming the United socialist States of America (USSA. He was asked the question by a fellow graduate of the
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 I wrote this article two weeks ago with the intention of publishing it then, but decided it might be too incendiary, and filed it away with many other unpublished articles I have wr
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In 2016, Donald J. Trump was not my favorite GOP candidate for president, but once he was nominated, I supported him whole-heartedly because I vomited at the thought of Hillary Clinton occupying the o
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I used to believe Robert De Niro was an outstanding actor. He made some great movies, including "The Deer Hunter" and" Taxi". But when his youth and talents faded, he began to make contrived and point
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Sometimes we need nightmares to awaken us citizens of this nation. And I want to tell readers of a recurring nightmare that I experience often regarding national leadership. Joe Biden and Donald Tr
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